Happy Holidays, Crumplers!

Are you or someone you know a crumpler?

Most likely, if you're in the military or a first responder. But hey, that's ok.

The world needs crumplers. The world needs wild people to do some of the wildest stuff to take care of and protect us. The world needs more people that exist (and crumple their metaphorical papers) out of spite. Like this sick merch that’s available on our website.

Get your spite gear up, happy holidays and thank you for all of your support. We really appreciate you,

Join the MandatoryMafia and get 20% off all purchases forever, plus you get access to exclusive video content, members only merch, and you can even message me directly. I will read every single one. Click the link below and use discount code “NEWMEMBER” for a 50% discount on your first month of membership.